May, 2020 upon the discovery of the web series the lizzie bennet diaries, i became immediately enamored with literary web series adaptions and have watched many. There are many things that make me love a series from the excellent work of the cast and writers, to the way characters are portrayed to the clever ways these stories are pulled into the modern age. The lizzie bennet diaries tv series 2012 the lizzie. Other web series like emma approved also took this approach by using the same platform. Oct 06, 2014 you can still stream the lizzie bennet diaries, but pemberly has also put the series out on home video. Id definitely recommend the lbd diaries, emma approved, jules and monty. Thats why, when the lizzie bennet diaries, a popular youtube adaption of pride and prejudice, kickstarted a whole movement of literary inspired web series, i was 100% on board. Since the lizzie bennet diaries premiered back in 2012, the cannon of literary. The lizzie bennet diaries may have set the bar for literary web series. It premiered on a dedicated youtube channel on april 9, 2012, and subsequently concluded when the 100th episode was posted on march 28, 20. Suddenly those stories that were in the public domain looked a lot more appealing, and. Welcome to sanditon is a new web series based on an unfinished jane austen novel. This series shows us edgar allen poe as a vlogger, and is inspired by poes famous poem, the. A modern day retelling of pride and prejudice, the series is told in vlogstyle by lizzie bennet as she narrates the trials and tribulations of her family life with the help of her best friend and aspiring filmmaker, charlotte lu, practically perfect older sister, jane, and easily excitable younger sister, lydia.
Thats why, when the lizzie bennet diaries, a popular youtube adaption. Purists may clutch their bonnets, but the web series overwhelming success. Ever since the lizzie bennet diaries, a web series by hank green and bernie su, there have been an abundance of web series based upon books. Webseries phenom the lizzie bennet diaries made it. Then, on todays date march 28, 20, said youtube web series ended. Over the summer, the creators of the emmy awardwinning web series the lizzie bennet diaries launched an experimental followup project based on an unfinished jane austen novel. The lizzie bennet diaries is a unique show, and no one could do it the way pemberley digital did. Feb 16, 20 i dont know if theres any other web series like the lizzie bennet diaries, but a good youtube channel to follow is vlogbrothers which is a channel that supports the lizzie bennet diaries and even has the people on the lizzie bennet diaries in one of their videos. The lizzie bennet diaries 2012 many of the actors from poe party got their web series beginnings through the lizzie bennet diaries, and you may enjoy seeing people who played a company of authors in poe party putting a modern spin on one of those authors novels in lbd. The lizzie bennet diaries fans will love these 4 literary web series. Like the lizzie bennet diaries, it combines elements from multiple. Oct 24, 20 if you loved the lizzie bennet diaries, here are four more bookto web series adaptations that you need to watch the success of the lizzie bennet diaries burst open opportunities for bookto. This series aired after the completion of the lizzie bennet diaries, and so its.
Aug 28, 2014 in the last few years, the world of books has found an unexpected home on youtube. Oct 02, 2014 the lizzie bennet diaries is interesting as an adaptation both in its form and in the way it shifts the novels economic concerns to a contemporary recessionary context. My capstone project for my ba was a comparison of austens elizabeth bennet versus contemporary versions like bridget jones. My masters thesis was a novel in the style of jane austen. After appearing in multiple awardwinning web series, ashley clements is now adding some behind the camera work to her resume. Sona will star clements as a military officer who must survive in an escape pod in open space. The lizzie bennet diaries youtube webseries is an adaptation of jane austens pride and prejudice that has expanded the world of austen so effectively that we have fallen headoverheels with. With ashley clements, julia cho, laura spencer, mary kate wiles. The lizzie bennet diaries is the groundbreaking multiplatform adaptation of pride and prejudice. Greens latest project, the lizzie bennet diaries, is a mustsee series for everyone. Since the lizzie bennet diaries premiered back in 2012, the cannon of literary youtube videos has exploded. The lizzie bennet diaries improves on austens pride. Here are just a few literary web series that put fun new spins on classic tales.
Like his many other accomplishments, the lizzie bennet diaries is bound to keep you coming back for more. The lizzie bennet diaries cast, info, trivia famous birthdays. What i love so much about these first episodes is that they really are all about the heroine lizzie bennet. Last week i wrote about my passion for the web vlog the lizzie bennet diaries and introduced you to the concept of this new pride and prejudice adaptation and its main characters. What is extra awesome about literary inspired web series is that anyone. Most of you probably recognize that as the first line to jane austens immortal pride and prejudice. Lizzie is a smart, sarcastic 24yearold grad student in mass communications whos living at home, along with her sisters jane, an underpaid fashion assistant, and lydia, a college student and fulltime party girl. It became the first youtube series to win a primetime emmy, receiving the 20 primetime emmy award for outstanding creative achievement in interactive mediaoriginal interactive program.
When boiling a series down to basic facts, though, it risks being reduced to data that can be mined for future webseries, inspiring other producersand other corporationsto emulate what makes a series like the lizzie bennet diaries successful. The humor calls to mind beloved uk shows like my mad fat diary and the inbetweeners just. Since the lizzie bennet diaries premiered back in 2012. Nov 08, 20 the lizzie bennet diaries november 8, 20 18 comments this leads into todays post in which i ramble about the two austeninspired web series, emma approved and the lizzie bennet diaries. Anyone who knows me knows that i am a sucker for a good adaption of classic literature bridget jones diary anyone. Written by bernie su, the series executive producer, cocreator, head writer, and director, along with kate rorick, the novelist, tv writer, and consulting producer on the series, the secret diary of lizzie bennet takes readers deep inside lizzies world and well beyond the confines of her camera from. Emma treats her videos as a record of her professional life and mentions that her videos are supposed to be turned into a documentary, so her communication with her audience throughout. The success of the lizzie bennet diaries burst open opportunities for booktofilm adaptations on the web.
Since i spend approximately 94% of my time online, ive managed to find some series that just might help fill the. Heres a few of the ones we like bestall of which are available for free on youtube. A production started by hank green of the vlogbrothers the other brother being acclaimed author john green and bernie su, the singleframe web series was an adaption of jane austens pride and. The lizzie bennet diaries is an american web series adapted from jane austens 18 novel pride and prejudice.
Four must watch literaryinspired web series for the lizzie bennet diaries fans. And after and obsessively following the lizzie bennet diaries, she. Unfinished austen novel finds new life through collaborative. Apr 18, 2016 weve seen web series and films of all lengths emerge on the creative platform, but it was the lizzie bennet diaries that truly changed things. The lizzie bennet diaries and the reclamation of lydia bennet. Apr 09, 2012 the lizzie bennet diaries is a primetime emmy award winning series based on jane austens pride and prejudice. The charming, modern day interpretation of jane austens pride and prejudice, beloved webseries the lizzie bennet diaries, ended in march of this year, taking with it the unusual cast, social. Edgar allen poe might not seem like the best comedy material, but the. In its yearlong run, the lizzie bennet diaries in particular was skilled at. Sep, 2016 my growing list of favorite webseries like the lizzie bennet diaries, the autobiography of jane eyre and green gables fables. The lizzie bennet diaries improves on austens pride and. The lizzie bennet diaries is a primetime emmy award winning series based on jane austens pride and prejudice. Emmyaward winning series based on austens pride and prejudice.
How well does the lizzie bennet diaries work as a modern. Mar 28, 2018 it seems hard to believe, but six years ago, on april 9, 2012, a little youtube vlog series debuted. The lizzie bennet diaries is faithful to the original without being slavish or full of injokes. Is there any web series like the lizzie bennet diaries. Adaptions of classic literature that you havent seen but totally. The lizzie bennet diaries fans will love these 4 literary. Emma approved web series jane austen lizzie bennet diaries. But it inspired a whole wave of youtubebased web series, all free to watch. Fans of the web series and newcomers alike will be satisfied. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on youtube. Apr 01, 20 the lizzie bennet diaries has everything youd hope for in a modernday pride and prejudice adaptation. In the last few years, the world of books has found an unexpected home on youtube.
It follows bookish, sarcastic, selfassured lizzie bennet as she. However, it would do a disservice to the lizzie bennet diaries to simply treat it as a case study. It was created by hank green and bernie su, produced by jenni powell and stars ashley clements, mary kate wiles, laura spencer, julia cho and daniel vincent gordh. See more ideas about green gables fables, web series and. See more ideas about green gables fables, web series and green gables. So, what are the best series in this golden age of literary youtube. Filled with amazing, charming, and hilarious actors the lbd is an amazing web series you can watch via youtube. The lizzie bennet diaries it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. The best vlog reinventions of classic books books the guardian. Through kickstarter, the lizzie bennet diaries star has raised finishing funds for sona, an eightepisode scifi web series. Spotlight 360 video browse channels sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Check all of these booktoweb series adaptations out. You can still stream the lizzie bennet diaries, but pemberly has also put the series out on home video.
Just like 10 things, the modern adaptation here allows for a much. A new episode, each between three and six minutes long, is posted every monday and thursday morning. The company behind hit web series the lizzie bennet diaries, a. Webseries phenom the lizzie bennet diaries made it to 100 entries. Lizzie bennet diaries followup asks fans to contribute. Today, we remember that emmywinning youtube series, the lizzie bennet diaries five years later.
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